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vital centre 【生理】生命中樞。

vital hardiness

At the time of the fukien incident , two months after the commencement of our fifth counter - campaign , the main forces of the red army should undoubtedly have thrust into the kiangsu - chekiang - anhwei - kiangsi region , with chekiang as the centre , and swept over the length and breadth of the area between hangchow , soochow , nanking , wuhu , nanchang and foochow , turning our strategic defensive into a strategic offensive , menacing the enemy ' s vital centres and seeking battles in the vast areas where there were no blockhouses 第五次反“圍剿”進行兩個月之后,當福建事變出現之時,紅軍主力無疑地應該突進到以浙江為中心的蘇浙皖贛地區去,縱橫馳騁于杭州、蘇州、南京、蕪湖、南昌、福州之間,將戰略防御轉變為戰略進攻,威脅敵之根本重地,向廣大無堡壘地帶尋求作戰。